Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium

March 31, 2007 (Saturday)

Room 517, Meng Wah Complex, HKU



Professor Paolo Piazza

Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy

Doing geometry with Dirac operators



There is a very interesting class of first order elliptic differential operators attached to a Riemannian manifold (M, g), the so-called operators of Dirac type. Examples include the Dolbeault operator on an almost complex manifold, the Gauss-Bonnet operator on an orientable manifold, the Atiyah-Singer operator on a spin manifold. In this talk I will explain how it is possible to use analytic invariants attached to these operators in order to prove purely geometric theorems. I will begin by talking about the index of these operators, as in the seminal work of Atiyah and Singer; I will then move to more sophisticated invariants, the rho-invariants, and explain recent results about their use in Riemannian geometry and differential topology. Our main tools will be elliptic theory both on closed manifolds and on manifolds with boundary, and two generalized homology theories:  K-homology and bordism.