List of Lectures

Der-Chen Chang

Heat kernels for a family of subelliptic operators

Yik-Man Chiang

On eigen-solutions of Heun equation, affine Weyl group and Painlevé equation

Lawrence Ein

Stability of syzygy bundles

Baohua Fu

Sixty years of compactifications of Cn

Dano Kim

L2 estimates and analytic adjoint ideals

László Lempert

Quantizing a Riemannian manifold

Ngaiming Mok

Holomorphic isometries of the complex unit ball into bounded symmetric domains

Sui-Chung Ng

Holomorphic double fibration and the mapping problems of classical domains

Tuen-Wai Ng

On finite Blaschke products sharing preimage of connected compact sets

Mihai Paun

Metrics with conic singularities and generic semi-positivity

Min Ru

On M-large divisors and their geometric and arithmetic properties

Yum-Tong Siu

Effective very ampleness

Xiaotao Sun

Etale fundmental groups and D-modules in characteristic p > 0

Shengli Tan

Jung's method of resolution and the invariants of a surface singularity

Mina Teicher

Line arrangements — topology, combinatorics, and applications

Wing-Keung To

Hyperbolicity and families of polarized manifolds

Sai-Kee Yeung

Examples for the transcendence of the derivative of a normalized uniformizing map

Wanke Yin

Convergence of formal equivalences between real analytic hypersurfaces in Cn

Xiangyu Zhou

Some recent results on L2 extension problem

Last updated: June 25, 2013

