Miss Yao Yuan (ITCP, Italy) and Professor Huijun Fan (Peking U)
By Years (2011-2020)
Lecture Series on ¶-equation’s role in PDE and algebraic geometry (Lecture 1)
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U., USA)
Lecture Series on ¶-equation’s role in PDE and algebraic geometry (Lecture 2)
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U., USA)
Lecture Series on ¶-equation’s role in PDE and algebraic geometry (Lecture 3)
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U., USA)
Lecture Series on ¶-equation’s role in PDE and algebraic geometry (Lecture 4)
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U., USA)
Lectures on Complex Manifolds (Lecture 1)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
The Lifting Problem
Professor Jie-Tai Yu (HKU)
The mathematics of juggling
Professor Allen Knutson (Cornell U)
Conference on Number Theory, on 04/11/2011
A Geometric Proof of a Theorem on Antiregularity of Generalized Quadrangles
Miss Anna Y. Pun (HKU)
A “hands-on” introduction to deformation quantization and space-time (deformation and) quantization
Professor Daniel Sternheimer (Dept of Math, Rikkyo U, Japan & Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne, Dijon, France)
Compactified moduli spaces of rational curves in projective homogeneous varieties
Dr. Jaehyun Hong (Seoul National U)
Conley conjecture and beyond: infinitely many periodic points of Hamiltonian dynamical systems
Professor Viktor Ginzburg (U of California, Santa Cruz)
Fundamental groups, principal bundles, and Diophantine geometry
Professor Minhyong Kim (U of Oxford, UK & POSTECH, Korea)
Geometry of towers of coverings of a complex manifold
Professor Sai-Kee Yeung (Purdue U)
Linear Subvarieties of certain Flag Domains on Projective Spaces and Rigidities of Holomorphic Mappings
Dr. Sui Chung Ng (HKU)
Modular forms, stringc structure, mod 2 Witten genus and generalized Hohn-Stolz conjecture
Dr. Qingtao Chen (U of Southern California)
On a normal form for holomorphic maps between hyperquadrics
Professor Xiaojun Huang (Rutgers U, Piscataway, USA)
On the polynomial moment problem
Professor Fedor Pakovich (Ben-Gurion U, Israel)
On the third singlevalued solution of the Bianchi IX cosmological model in vacuum
Professor Robert Conte (LRC Meso, Centre de mathématiques et de leurs applications, École normale supérieure de Cachan, France & HKU Math)
Energy, the environment, and what mathematicians can do
Professor John Baez (U of California at Riverside, USA & the Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore)
Partial Frobenius integrability and its applications
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U., USA)
Practical Course in Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelling
Professor Nail Ibragimov (International Research Centre ALGA, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook
Professor Bruce Berndt (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
From totally sign-skew-symmetric matrix to cluster algebra
Professor Min Huang (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)
Everything Old is New Again: The Return of Gradient Based Optimization Methods
Hong Kong Probability Seminar (at HKU)
Dr. Ka Chun Cheung (HKU) & Dr. Zuoquan Xu (Poly U)