Professor Spiro Karigiannis (U of Waterloo)
Seminars and Colloquia 2012
A 2-Introduction to deformation quantization
Professor Daniel Sternheimer (Université de Bourgogne & Rikkyo U, Tokyo)
A Generalization of Menger’s Theorem
Dr. Guangyue Han (HKU)
Bochner-Kodaira techniques on Kähler Finsler manifolds
Professor Chunhui Qiu (Xiamen U, China)
On the abelian automorphism groups of d-gonal Riemann surfaces
Professor Shengli Tan (East China Normal U, Shanghai)
Conformal Invariance of the Exploration Path in 2-D Critical Bond Percolation in the Square Lattice
Dr. Jonathan Tsai (HKU)
Conformal measure of a finite type meromorphic function
Professor Zheng Jian-Hua (Tsinghua U)
Connections depending on small parameter
Professor Maxim Kontsevich (IHES, France, and Shaw Laureate in Mathematical Sciences 2012)
Division Problem and L2 Cramer’s Rule
Mr. Yih Sung (Harvard U)
Finite abelian covers and ball quotient surfaces
Dr. Yun Gao (Shanghai Jiao Tong U)
Finsler Geometry, Rejuvenation of a Classical Domain
Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (CNRS-IHÉS, Bures-sur-Yvette)
Generalized Witten Genera and Anomalies
Professor Fei Han (National U of Singapore)
Integrable subspaces of jet differentials
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U. & Distinguished Visiting Professor, HKU)
Irreducibility of Moduli Spaces of Line Arrangements
Dr. Fei Ye (HKU)
Noether-Lefschetz theory for hypersurfaces in toric 3-folds
Professor Ugo Bruzzo (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati)
On some problems in finite geometry
Dr. Philip P.W. Wong (HKU)
Recent results on some mathematical problems in Quantum Information Science
Professor Chi-Kwong Li (College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, USA)
Some problems on finite covers of algebraic surfaces
Professor Shengli Tan (East China Normal University, Shanghai)
Spectral theory of the ¶-Neumann Laplacian and applications
Professor Siqi Fu (Rutgers U, Camden, USA)
Spin projective representations of Weyl groups
Professor Dan Ciubotaru (U of Utah)
The ‘full calculus’ of pseudo-differential operators on boundary groupoids
Dr. Bing-Kwan So (U of Luxembourg)
The geodesic spray of the universal Teichmüller space
Professor Tudor Ratiu (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne and Bernoulli Center)
The Geometry of Conformally Covariant Differential Operators
Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (CNRS-IHÉS, Bures-sur-Yvette)
The “Hole Story”: how to solve problems in multiply connected domains
Professor Darren Crowdy (Imperial College London, UK)
Very ampleness of some fractional power of the canonical line bundle of some towers of complex ball quotients
Professor Sai-Kee Yeung (Purdue U, USA)
A Graph Theoretical Approach to Network Encoding Complexity
Mr. Li Xu (HKU)
Classical and Quantum Aspects of Symplectic Geometry, on 31/03/2012
Working Seminar – Compartmentalisation of information in biology
Professor Antoine Danchin (Honorary Professor, Faculty of Medicine, HKU & President, AMAbiotics SAS (a biotech company), France)
Introduction to Non-asymptotic Equipartition Property
Mr. Li Xu (HKU)
Limit Theorems in Hidden Markov Models
Dr. Guangyue Han (HKU)