Professor Andras Szenes (BME Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary) and Dr. Insong Choe (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul Korea)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquia 2005
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Haibao Duan (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) and Professor Xiaowei Wang (CUHK)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Xiaotao Sun (Academia Sinica and IMR, HKU) and Professor Yum-Tong Siu (Harvard U and HKU)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Yi Hu (U of Arizona) and Professor Akito Futaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Miles Reid, FRS (U of Warwick, UK)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Ken’ichi Ohshika (Osaka U, Japan) and Professor Mitsuhiro Shishikura (Kyoto U, Japan)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Xiao-Song Lin (U of California, Riverside) and Professor Feng Luo (Rutgers U)