Dr. Sachiko Hamano (Osaka City U, Japan) & Dr. Weiyu Colin Tan (National U of Singapore)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquia 2018
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium (at HKU)
Professor Mark G. Lawrence (Nazarbayev U, Republic of Kazakhstan) & Professor Rong Du (East China Normal U)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium (at HKUST)
Professor Shou-Wu Zhang (Princeton U & IAS of HKUST) & Professor Masaaki Yoshida (Kyushu U, Japan)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium (at HKUST)
Professor Shanzhong Sun (Capital Normal U, Beijing, China) & Professor Francesco Sala (Kavli Institute for the Physics & the Mathematics of the Universe, U of Tokyo, Japan)