Professor Frank Sommen (Ghent U, Belgium)
Seminars and Colloquia
Working Seminar on Complex and Algebraic Geometry: Extending normal bundles of locally complete intersections
Dr. Avery Ching (HKUST)
Working Seminar on Complex and Algebraic Geometry: Moduli Spaces of Stable Bundles on Curves (Lecture 1)
Professor Xiaotao Sun (Academia Sinica and IMR, HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex and Algebraic Geometry: Moduli Spaces of Stable Bundles on Curves (Lecture 2)
Professor Xiaotao Sun (Academia Sinica and IMR, HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex and Algebraic Geometry: Moduli Spaces of Stable Bundles on Curves (Lecture 3)
Professor Xiaotao Sun (Academia Sinica and IMR, HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex and Algebraic Geometry: Rank two vector bundles on an algebraic surface (Lecture 1)
Professor Sheng-Li Tan (East China Normal U and IMR, HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex and Algebraic Geometry: Rank two vector bundles on an algebraic surface (Lecture 2)
Professor Sheng-Li Tan (East China Normal U and IMR, HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex and Algebraic Geometry: Rank two vector bundles on an algebraic surface (Lecture 3)
Professor Sheng-Li Tan (East China Normal U and IMR, HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex and Algebraic Geometry: Rank two vector bundles on an algebraic surface (Lecture 4)
Professor Sheng-Li Tan (East China Normal U and IMR, HKU)
Dependent results of “independent” problems on Riemann zeta function
Professor Shaoji Feng (Academia Sinica, Beijing)
Factorizations of meromorphic functions
Professor Liangwen Liao (Nanjing U)
From CR geometry to algebraic geometry and combinatorial geometry
Professor Stephen S.T. Yau (U of Illinois, Chicago)
A real convexity theorem for Lie-group valued momentum maps
Mr. Florent Schaffhauser (U de Paris VI, France)
Algebraic geometric techniques for estimates of partial differential equations II
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (Harvard U and HKU)
Analogues of Diophantine approximation in number theory for Nevanlinna theory
Professor Zhuan Ye (Northern Illinois University)
Capacity, Green’s functions, and Intersection Theory
Dr. Chi Fong Lau (HKU)
Chern number inequality and stability of vector bundles
Professor Naichung Conan Leung (CUHK)
Cluster Algebras and Poisson Geometry (Lecture 1)
Professor Michael Gekhtman (U of Notre Dame, USA)
Cluster Algebras and Poisson Geometry (Lecture 2)
Professor Michael Gekhtman (U of Notre Dame, USA)
Combinatorics of Schubert cells and Poisson geometry
Professor Milen Yakimov (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Working Seminar on Complex and Algebraic Geometry: Building vector bundles and coherent sheaves via exact sequences
Dr. Avery Ching (HKUST)
The Distance Function to the Boundary and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
Professor Louis Nirenberg (Courant Institute, USA)
The Noether inequality and the structure of minimal 3-folds with small slope
Professor Meng CHEN (Fudan U)
Lectures on the vector bundle method (Lectue 2)
Professor Sheng-Li Tan (East China Normal U, Shanghai)
Linear representations of π 1 of quasi-compact Kähler manifolds, constructions of equivariant maps, and parabolic structures
Dr. Yihu Yang (Tongji U, Shanghai)
Linnik’s Almost Goldbach Problems and Quadratic Waring-Goldbach Problems
Professor Ming-Chit Liu (HKU)
Martix differentiators and geometry of polynomials
Dr. Tuen Wai Ng (HKU)
Medical imaging informatics advances in clinical neuroscience
Dr. Stephen T.C. Wong (Harvard Center for Neurodegeneration and Repair, Harvard Medical School)
Neuron image analysis and bioinformatics
Dr. Stephen T.C. Wong (Harvard Center for Neurodegeneration and Repair, Harvard Medical School)
On the Future of Bioinformatics – an informal discussion
Professor Antoine Danchin (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France)