Professor Michel Waldschmidt (Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI))
Seminars and Colloquia 2006
On the Lax pairs of the sixth Painlevé equation
Professor Robert Conte (CEA-Saclay, France & HKU)
Physical fields on mathematical manifolds (Lecture 1)
Mr. Sui Chung Ng (HKU)
Physical fields on mathematical manifolds (Lecture 2)
Mr. Sui Chung Ng (HKU)
Problems in algebraic differential equations
Professor Liang-Wen Liao (Nanjing U)
Selberg’s Λ²-sieve (Lecture 1)
Dr. Kai Man Tsang (HKU)
Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomails for Lie superalgebras
Professor R.B. Zhang (U of Sydney)
Convexity of moment map and Chern number inequality
Professor Xiaowei Wang (CUHK)
Counting collisions in gas models and Alexandrov Geometry of curvature bounded above
Professor Dmitri Burago (The Pennsylvania State U)
Crepant resolutions of projectivised nilpotent orbits
Professor Baohua Fu (Ecole Polytechnique de l’Universite de Nantes and IMS & CUHK)
Decomposable representations of surface groups into compact connected Lie groups
Dr. Florent Schaffhauser (Keio U, Yokohama, Japan)
Distribution of Satake parameters of GL2 holomorphic cuspidal representations
Dr. Charles, Chun Che LI (Academia Sinica, Institute of Mathematics, Taiwan)
Geometric Analysis on Poisson Manifolds
Mr. Bing Kwan So (HKU)
Geometry Seminar – Complex tangential curves of constant curvature in the unit ball and homogeneous polynomials
Professor Andrei Iordan (U de Paris VI, France)
Geometry Seminar – Nonconvex tube domains: Geometry and Analysis
Professor Simon Gindikin (Rutgers U)
Hodge decomposition and Riesz transforms on complete Riemannian manifolds
Dr. Xiangdong Li (Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
A Surface Viewed as a Function of Its Two Fundamental Forms
Professor Philippe G. Ciarlet (City University of Hong Kong)
Adelic equidistribution of arithmetic quotients
Professor Laurent Clozel (U de Paris-Sud)
Birational transformations of the Painlevé equations from their singularity structure
Professor Robert Conte (Service de physique de l’état condensé, CEA Saclay, France (joint work with M. Musette, VUB Brussels))
Boundary rigidity of metrics close to a flat one
Professor Dmitri Burago (The Pennsylvania State U)
Cauchy transform on fractals sets
Professor Ka Sing Lau (CUHK)
Cauchy’s theorem for Hopf algebras
Professor Yorck Sommerhäuser (U München, Germany)
Complex analysis in transcendental number theory — the Gelfond-Schneider Theorem
Mr. Tsz On Chan (HKU)