Yu, Jie-Tai (with Li, Li-bin)
Preprints 2010
The Circumference of a Graph with no K3,t-minor, II
Zang, W. (with Chen, G. and Yu, X.)
An Extension to the Brun-Titchmarsh Theorem, Quart. J. Math. 00 (2010), 1-16
Tsang, K.M. (with Chan, T.H. and Choi, S.K.K.)
Meromorphic solutions of a third order nonlinear differential equation
Ng, T.-W. (with Conte, R.)
Factorization of proper holomorphic maps on irreducible bounded symmetric domains of rank ≥ 2
Mok, N. (with Ng, S.-C. and Tu, Z.)
Characterization of smooth Schubert varieties in rational homogeneous manifolds of Picard number 1
Mok, N. (with Hong, J.)
On intersections of certain partitions of a group compactification
Lu, J.-H. (with He, X.)
On a dimension formula for twisted spherical conjugacy classes in semisimple algebraic groups
Lu, J.-H.
Sums of fourier coefficients of cusp forms
Lau, Y.-K. (with Lü, G.)
Recent Progress on the Dirichlet Divisor Problem and the Mean Square of the Riemann Zeta-function
Tsang, K.M.
Projective flatness in the quantisation of bosons and fermions
Wu, S.
On singularities of generically immersive holomorphic maps between complex hyperbolic space forms
Mok, N.
Optimal selling time in stock market over a finite time horizon
Yung, S.P. (with Yam, S. C. P. and Zhou, W.)
Degree Estimate for Subalgebras
Yu, Jie-Tai (with Li, Y.-C. )
On the Lifting of the Nagata Automorphism
Yu, Jie-Tai (with Belov-Kanel, A.)
Geometric phases in the quantisation of bosons and fermions
Wu, S.