Lu, J.-H. (with Yakimov, M.)
Preprints 2004
New Realizations of the Maximal Satake Compactifications of Riemannian Symmetric Spaces of Non-Compact Type
Lu, J.-H. (with Ji, L.)
Thompson’s Conjecture for Real Semi-simple Lie Groups
Lu, J.-H. (with Evens, S.)
A Poisson Structure on Compact Symmetric Spaces
Lu, J.-H. (with Foth, P.)
Poisson Structures on Complex Flag Manifolds Associated with Real Forms
Lu, J.-H. (with Foth, P.)
Moments of the Probability Density Functions of Error Terms in Divisor Problems
Lau, Y.-K. (with Tsang, K.-M.)
A density theorem of automorphic L-functions and some applications
Lau, Y.-K. (with Wu, J.)
Random Iteration of Analytic Maps
Ng, T.W. (with Beardon, A.F., Carne, T.K. and Minda, D.)
Moments over Short Intervals
Lau, Y.-K. (with Tsang, K.-M.)
Proof of Chvátal’s Conjecture on Maximal Stable Sets and Maximal Cliques in Graphs
Zang, W. (with Deng, X., Li, G.)
On the Variety of Lagrangian Subalgebras, II
Lu, J.-H. (with Evens, S.)
Positive Solution for m-Point Boundary Value Problems
Cheung, W.S. (with Ren, J.)
Some Discrete Nonlinear Inequalities and Applications to Boundary Value Problems for Difference Equations
Cheung, W.S.
Periodic Solutions for p-Laplacian Liénrd Equation with a Deviating Argument
Cheung, W.S. (with Ren, J.)
On a Weak Form of the Blumberg Property
Cheung, W.S. (with Lin,Y.-T., Tseng, S. and Strecker, G.E.)
On the Existence of Periodic Solutions for p-Laplacian Generalized Liénard Equation
Cheung, W.S. (with Ren, J.)
Quasi-Isometry of Metrics on Teichmüller Spaces
Yeung, S.-K.
Nowhere-zero 4-flows, Simultaneous Edge-colorings, and Critical Partial Latin Squares
Zang, W. (with Luo, R. and Zhang, C.-Q.)
Hitchin’s Connection and Differential Operators with Values in the Determinant Bundle
Sun, X (with Tsai, I.-H.)
Mean Square Estimate for Twisted Automorphic L-Functions on Weight Aspect
Lau, Y.-K.
A Study of the Mean Value of the Error Term in the Mean Square Formula of the Riemann Zeta-function in the Critical Strip 3/4 ≤ σ < 1
Lau, Y.-K.
Minimal Rational Curves on Moduli Spaces of Stable Bundles
Sun, X.
On the Validity or Failure of Gap Rigidity for Certain Pairs of Bounded Symmetric Domains
Mok, N. (with Eyssidieux, P.)
Birationality of the Tangent Map for Minimal Rational Curves
Mok, N. (with Hwang, J.-M.)
On Representation of Integers by Sums of a Cube and Three Cubes of Primes
Tsang, K.M. (with Ren, X.)
On Exponential Sum over Primes and Applications in Waring-Goldbach Problem
Ren, X.
On a Waring-Goldbach Type Problem for Fourth Powers
Tsang, K.M. (with Ren, X.)
On Roth’s Theorem Concerning a Cube and Three Cubes of Primes
Tsang, K.M. (with Ren, X.)
The Waring-Goldbach Problem for Unlike Powers
Tsang, K.M. (with Ren, X.)
The Waring-Goldbach Problem under the Hasse-Weil Hypothesis
Ren, X.