Cheung, W.S. (with Wong, B.)
Preprints 2006
Inverses of New Hilbert-Pachpatte Type Inequalities, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2006, 1-11
Cheung, W.S. (with Zhao, C.)
Periodic Solutions for p-Laplacian Rayleigh Equations, Nonlinear Analysis 65, 2003-2012
Cheung, W.S. (with Ren, J.)
Degree esetimate for two-generated subalgebras
Yu, Jie-Tai (with Markar-Limanov, L.)
Automorphic equivalence problem for free associative algebras of rank two
Yu, Jie-Tai (with Drensky, V.)
The linear coordinate preserving problem
Yu, Jie-Tai (with Gong, S.)
A Semi-Supervised Regression Model for Mixed Numerical and Categorical Variables, Pattern Recognition 40 (6) (2007), 1745-1752
Ching, W.K. (with Ng, M., Chan, E. and So, M.)
On Multi-dimensional Markov Chain Models, Pacific Journal of Optimization 3 (2007), 235-243
Ching, W.K. (with Ng, M. and Zhang S.)
Simulation Study in Probabilistic Boolean Network Models for Genetic Regulatory Networks, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 1 (2007), 217-240
Ching, W.K. (with Akutsu, T., Ng, M. and Zhang, S.)
Partitions of the Wonderful Group Compactification
Lu, J.-H. (with Yakimov, M.)
Automorphic Orbit Problem for Polynomial Algebras
Yu, Jie-Tai
A Cancellation Conjecture for Free Associative Algebras
Yu, Jie-Tai (with Drensky, V.)
Fast Solvers for Queueing Systems with Negative Customers, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, 11-13 October, 2006 Pisa, Italy
Ching, W.K. (with Ng, M. and Wen, Y.)
Interactive Hidden Markov Models and Their Applications, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 18 (2007) 85-97
Ching, W.K. (with Fung, E., Ng, M., Siu, T.K. and Li, W.K.)
Group Orbits and Regular Partitions of Poisson Manifolds
Lu, J.-H. (with Yakimov, M.)
Discrete Nonlinear Inequalities and Applications to Boundary Value Problems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 319, 708-724
Cheung, W.S. (with Ren, J.)
Bohr’s Inequalities for Hilbert Space Operators, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 323, 403-412
Cheung, W.S. (with Pecaric, J.)
Opial-Type Inequalities for Differential Operators
Cheung, W.S. (with Zhao, D. and Pečarić, J.)
Some new nonlinear inequalities and applications to boundary value problems
Cheung, W.S.
The circumference of a graph with no K3,t-minor
Zang, W. (with Chen, G., Sheppardson, L. and Yu, X.)
Approximating longest cycles in graphs with bounded degrees
Zang, W. (with Chen, G., Gao, Z. and Yu, X.)
Block Diagonal and Schur Complement Preconditioners for Block Toeplitz Systems with Small Size Blocks, Toeplitz Systems with Small Size Blocks SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Its Applications 29 (4) (2007), 1101-1119
Ching, W.K. (with Ng, M. and Wen, Y.)
On Convergent Probability of a Random Walk, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 36 (2005), 680-683
Ching, W.K. (with Lee, Y.)
Remarks on Giesecker’s degeneration and its normalization
Sun, X.
Parametrizations of Algebraic Curves
Ng, T.W. (with Beardon, A.F.)
Residual Julia Sets of Meromorphic Functions
Ng, T.W. (with Zheng, J.H. and Choi, Y.Y.)
Hidden Markov Model for the Detection of Machine Failure, Proceeding of the 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Taiwan, June (2006), 2009-2020
Ching, W.K. (with Tai, A. and Chan, L.Y.)
Rigidity Problems on Compact Quotients of Bounded Symmetric Domains
Mok, N.
A Recursive Method for Solving Haplotype Frequencies in Multiple Loci Linkage Analysis, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 4 (2007), 1269-1286
Ching, W.K. (with Fung, E., Lee, Y. and Ng, M.)
A Linear Control Model for Gene Intervention in a Genetic Regulatory Network, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, Beijing, 25-27 July 2005, 1 (2005), 354-358
Ching, W.K. (with Zhang, S., Ng, M. and Akutsu, T.)