Professor Antoine Danchin (Honorary Professor, Faculty of Medicine, HKU & President, AMAbiotics SAS (a biotech company), France)
Activities 2013
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – Deformation of closed subschemes
Mr. Kwok-Kin Wong (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – Hirzebruch’s construction of ball quotient surfaces
Dr. Fei Ye (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – Introduction to Hyperbolicity in Complex Geometry
Professor Sai-Kee Yeung (Purdue U, USA )
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – On characteristic classes for singular varieties
Dr. James Fullwood (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – On generalized complex geometry (Lecture 1)
Dr. James Fullwood (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – On generalized complex geometry (Lecture 2)
Dr. James Fullwood (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – On Picard-Deligne-Mostow Surfaces
Professor Sai-Kee Yeung (Purdue U, USA )
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – The cone of curves of projective varieties
Dr. Rong Du (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – Varieties of Minimal Rational Tangents (Lecture 1)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – Varieties of Minimal Rational Tangents (Lecture 2)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – Varieties of Minimal Rational Tangents (Lecture 3)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – Varieties of Minimal Rational Tangents (Lecture 4)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
Mini Course on the classification of Quantum groups (Lecture 2)
Professor Alexander Stolin (U of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Mini Course on Alexander invariants and holomorphic maps onto curves (Lecture 1: Alexander invariants of fundamental groups of quasi-projective varieties and holomorphic maps onto curves)
Professor Anatoly Libgober (U of Illinois at Chicago)
Mini Course on Alexander invariants and holomorphic maps onto curves (Lecture 2: Characters of fundamental groups and orbifold pencils)
Professor Anatoly Libgober (U of Illinois at Chicago)
Mini Course on Complex analysis on cycle spaces of flag domains (Lecture 1)
Professor Alan Huckleberry (Jacobs U, Bremen, Germany)
Mini Course on Complex analysis on cycle spaces of flag domains (Lecture 2)
Professor Alan Huckleberry (Jacobs U, Bremen, Germany)
Mini Course on Division algebras, supersymmetry, and higher gauge theory (Lecture 1-3) by Dr. John Huerta (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal), on May 9, 16 & 24, 2013
Mini Course on the classification of Quantum groups (Lecture 1)
Professor Alexander Stolin (U of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Mini-Workshop on Complex Geometry on January 10, 2013
The conjectures of André-Oort and Zilbert-Pink
Professor G. Wüstholz (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Three Coding Problems
Mr. Guo Qian (Fudan U)
Weekly Seminar in Finite Geometry (Chaired by Dr. P.P.W. Wong), every Monday beginning from September 3, 2012
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – Mori’s existence theorem on rational curves
Dr. Fei Ye (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – An introduction to Abelian varieties
Mr. Xiaoyu Yang (HKU)
Working Seminar on Complex Geometry – An introduction to Abelian varieties II: Theta Functions
Mr. Xiaoyu Yang (HKU)