Professor Simon Gindikin (Rutgers U)
Hodge decomposition and Riesz transforms on complete Riemannian manifolds
Dr. Xiangdong Li (Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Manfred Lehn (Johannes Guternberg Universitat Mainz, Germany) and Professor Jianxun Hu (Zhongshan U, China)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Seiki Nishikawa (Tohoku U) and Professor Akito Futaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Eyal Markman (U of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA) and Professor Denis Auroux (MIT, USA)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium – Equidistribution of Shimura Subvarieties
Professor Laurent Clozel (U de Paris-Sud)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium (at CUHK)
Professor Bohui Chen (Sichuan U, China) and Professor Ming Xu (Tsing Hua U, China)
A Surface Viewed as a Function of Its Two Fundamental Forms
Professor Philippe G. Ciarlet (City University of Hong Kong)
Adelic equidistribution of arithmetic quotients
Professor Laurent Clozel (U de Paris-Sud)
Birational transformations of the Painlevé equations from their singularity structure
Professor Robert Conte (Service de physique de l’état condensé, CEA Saclay, France (joint work with M. Musette, VUB Brussels))
Boundary rigidity of metrics close to a flat one
Professor Dmitri Burago (The Pennsylvania State U)
Cauchy transform on fractals sets
Professor Ka Sing Lau (CUHK)
Cauchy’s theorem for Hopf algebras
Professor Yorck Sommerhäuser (U München, Germany)
Complex analysis in transcendental number theory — the Gelfond-Schneider Theorem
Mr. Tsz On Chan (HKU)