Dr. Pierre Nolin (CityU) & Dr. Zhigang Bao (HKUST)
Activities 2017
Hong Kong Probability Seminar (at HKUST)
Dr. Guangyue Han (HKU) & Professor Xinghua Zheng (HKUST)
Lecture Series on Zeta functions in number theory and combinatorics (Lecture 1)
Professor Wen-Ching Winnie Li (The Pennsylvania State U, USA)
Lecture Series on Zeta functions in number theory and combinatorics (Lecture 10)
Professor Wen-Ching Winnie Li (The Pennsylvania State U, USA)
Tannaka-Krein duality and quantization of Poisson structures defined by r-matrices
Dr. Victor Mouquin (Shanghai Jiaotong U)
Symplectic : Contact = Poisson : Jacobi = Affine : Projective
Professor Daniele Sepe (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil)
Supercongruences for rigid hypergeometric Calabi–Yau threefold
Professor Ling Long (Louisiana State U, USA)
Computational Science Seminar – Stabilized Compact Exponential Time Differencing Methods for Gradient Flow Problems and Scalable Implementation
Professor Lili Ju (U of South Carolina)
Positivity of Vector Bundles and Hodge Theory
Professor Phillip A. Griffiths (Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Princeton, USA; Member, National Academy of Sciences of the United States)
Geometry and Physics: Cross-Fertilization and Missed Opportunities by Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (CNRS-Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques)
An explicit integration of Lie algebroids
Professor Maria Amelia Salazar (IMPA, Brasil)
Convexity Properties of Presymplectic Hamiltonian Actions
Professor Reyer Sjamaar (Cornell U)
Extension of local biholomorphic maps respecting homogeneous submanifolds in complex flag manifolds
Professor Jaehyun Hong (KIAS, Korea)
Formality Theorem for g-Manifolds
Hsuan-Yi Liao (Pennsylvania State U)
Picard group of the moduli of sheaves
Professor Yinbang Lin (Tsinghua U)
Recognizing G/P by its varieties of minimal rational tangents
Professor Jun-Muk Hwang (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul)
Ricci-Bourguignon flow
Professor Pak Tung Ho (Sogang U, Korea)
Shifted Poisson structure and elliptic deformation
Dr. Zheng Hua (HKU)
Structure of standard modules, Springer correspondence and Dirac cohomology
Dr. Kei Yuen Chan (U of Amsterdam)
Primes and Polynomials in Short Intervals
Professor Jon Keating (Henry Overton Wills Professor of Mathematics, U of Bristol, UK)
Evolution under Migration and Selection
Dr. LinLin Su (Southern U of Science and Technology)
Existence and asymptotic large time behavior of singular solutions of the fast diffusion equation
Professor Kin Ming Hui (Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Global strong solution with latent singularity to thin film equations in epitaxial growth
Dr. Yuan Gao (HKUST)
Higher decay inequalities for multilinear oscillatory integrals
Dr. Maxim Gilula (Michigan State U)
Hydrodynamics of Elastic Fluids
Dr. Xianpeng Hu (CityU)
Quantum correspondence for Painlevé VI
Professor Robert Conte (École normale supérieure de Cachan, France & HKU)
Angles of Gaussian primes
Professor Zeev Rudnick (Tel-Aviv U, Israel)
Behavioral Portfolio Selection and Asset Pricing: An Interplay between Mathematics and Financial Economics
Professor Xunyu Zhou (Columbia U)
Differential Relations of Multiplier Ideal Sheaves and Kohns Algorithm for the Complex Neumann Problem
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U)
Domain Decomposition for high frequency Helmholtz problems
Professor Ivan Graham (University of Bath)