Dr. Joachim Heinze (Senior Advisor, Mathematical Sciences, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg)
By Years (2011-2020)
Maxwell’s demons from old age to conception
Professor Antoine Danchin (President, AMAbiotics SAS (a biotech company), France & Member of the French Academy of Sciences)
Workshop on Complex Geometry on July 19 – 20, 2018
Workshop on Crystal Bases, Cluster Algebras, and Poisson Geometry on November 29 – December 3, 2018
Workshop on Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics on July 3 – 5, 2018
Hong Kong Probability Seminar (at CUHK)
Jie Xiong (Southern U of Science and Technology) & Chen Wang (HKU)
Hong Kong Probability Seminar (at HKU)
Professor Tze Leung Lai (Stanford U) & Dr. Chung Yin Amy Pang (HKBU)
Hong Kong Probability Seminar (at HKUST)
Professor Benoît Collins (Kyoto U) & Professor Laurent Ménard (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre)
Hong Kong Probability Seminar (at HKUST)
Rongfeng Sun (National U of Singapore) & Tomohiro Sasamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Lecture Series on Methods of Rational Curves and Pluricanonical Bundles in Complex Geometry (Lecture 1)
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U)
Lecture Series on Methods of Rational Curves and Pluricanonical Bundles in Complex Geometry (Lecture 2)
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U)
Bounds for Fourier-Jacobi coefficients of Siegel modular forms
Professor Winfried Kohnen (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
On branching problems for classical p-adic groups
Dr. Kei Yuen Chan (U of Georgia, USA)
On positive characteristic zeta values taken at integers
Professor Jing Yu (National Taiwan U & CUHK)
On the global sup-norm of GL(n) cusp forms
Professor Gergely Harcos (Renyi Institute)
On the Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture for modular forms of half-integral weight
Professor Winfried Kohnen (Universität Heidelberg, Germany)
The 25th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications on June 26 – 30, 2017
Foliations in abelian schemes
Dr. Ziyang Gao (CNRS (IMJ), France & Princeton U)
Noncommutative Mather-Yau theorem and its applications to Calabi-Yau algebras and homological minimal model program
Dr. Gui-Song Zhou (Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang U & HKU)
On equivariant cohomology of Calogero-Moser spaces
Professor Peng Shan (Tsinghua U)
Proofs of Pólya’s Positivstellensatz
Dr. Weiyu Colin Tan (National U of Singapore)
Recent development in Nevanlinna theory
Professor Min Ru (U of Houston, USA)
Shifted Poisson geometry of Moduli spaces
Dr. Zheng Hua (HKU)
Stokes phenomenon, Yang-Baxter equations and Gromov-Witten theory
Dr. Xiaomeng Xu (MIT, USA)
The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula via mould calculus
Professor Shanzhong Sun (Capital Normal U, China)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium (at HKU)
Dr. Sachiko Hamano (Osaka City U, Japan) & Dr. Weiyu Colin Tan (National U of Singapore)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium (at HKU)
Professor Mark G. Lawrence (Nazarbayev U, Republic of Kazakhstan) & Professor Rong Du (East China Normal U)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium (at HKUST)
Professor Shou-Wu Zhang (Princeton U & IAS of HKUST) & Professor Masaaki Yoshida (Kyushu U, Japan)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium (at HKUST)
Professor Shanzhong Sun (Capital Normal U, Beijing, China) & Professor Francesco Sala (Kavli Institute for the Physics & the Mathematics of the Universe, U of Tokyo, Japan)
Hong Kong Probability Seminar (at CityU)
Dr. Xiao Fang (CUHK) & Professor Jianfeng Yao (HKU)