Mr. Sui Chung Ng (HKU)
Problems in algebraic differential equations
Professor Liang-Wen Liao (Nanjing U)
Selberg’s Λ²-sieve (Lecture 1)
Dr. Kai Man Tsang (HKU)
Selberg’s Λ²-sieve (Lecture 2)
Dr. Kai Man Tsang (HKU)
Shimura varieties and transcendence – A variation of Kronecker’s “Jugendtraum”
Professor G. Wüstholz (Eidgenössische TH Zürich-Zentrum, Switzerland & HKUST)
Smale’s Problems on the Efficiency of Newton’s Method
Mr. Yan Yu Choi (HKU)
Solutions, points, arrows, and paths
Professor Minhyong Kim (Purdue University, USA and RIMS, Japan)
Some algebro-geometric properties of the wonderful compactification
Dr. Xuhua He (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Tame and wild coordinates and automorphisms of polynomial and free associative algebras
Mr. Shengjun Gong (HKU)
Lectures on Complex Manifolds (Lecture 4)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
Lectures on Complex Manifolds (Lecture 5)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
Lectures on Complex Manifolds (Lecture 6)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
Lectures on Complex Manifolds (Lecture 7)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
Lectures on Complex Manifolds (Lecture 8)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
Lectures on Complex Manifolds (Lecture 9)
Professor Ngaiming Mok (HKU)
Limitation of a Sampled-data Feedback Control
Dr. Jingli Ren (Institute of Systems Science, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences & HKU)
Magic Square and Classification of Symmetric Spaces
Mr. Yongdong Huang (CUHK)
Matrix coefficients of representations
Professor Dragan Milicic (U of Utah & HKUST)
New Function Spaces for the Boltzmann Equation
Professor Tong Yang (City U of Hong Kong)
On a gap phenomenon for holomorphic maps
Professor Xiaojun Huang (Rugers University)
On a course called “Development of Mathematical Ideas”
Professor Man Keung Siu (HKU)
On a course called “Development of Mathematical Ideas” II
Professor Man Keung Siu (HKU)
On profinite groups
Professor Efim Zelmanov (U of California, San Diego, USA & Distinguished Visiting Professor, HKU)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Manfred Lehn (Johannes Guternberg Universitat Mainz, Germany) and Professor Jianxun Hu (Zhongshan U, China)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Seiki Nishikawa (Tohoku U) and Professor Akito Futaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium
Professor Eyal Markman (U of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA) and Professor Denis Auroux (MIT, USA)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium – Equidistribution of Shimura Subvarieties
Professor Laurent Clozel (U de Paris-Sud)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium (at CUHK)
Professor Bohui Chen (Sichuan U, China) and Professor Ming Xu (Tsing Hua U, China)
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium (at HKU)
Professor Minhyong Kim (Purdue U, USA & RIMS, Japan) and Professor Jungkai Chen (National Taiwan U, Taipei)
Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomails for Lie superalgebras
Professor R.B. Zhang (U of Sydney)