Yeung, S.-K.
Preprints 2004-2010
On Holomorphic Immersions into Kähler Manifolds of Constant Holomorphic Sectional Curvature
Mok, N.
A mean square formula for central values of twisted automorphic L-functions
Lau, Y.-K. (with Tsang, K.-M.)
Hamilton Paths in Toroidal Graphs
Zang, W. (with Thomas, R. and Yu, X.)
The Strong Anick Conjecture is True
Yu, Jie-Tai (with Drensky, V.)
Hitchin’s Connection and Differential Operators with Values in the Determinant Bundle
Sun, X (with Tsai, I.-H.)
Logarithmic Heat Projective Operators
Sun, X.
Extremal Bounded Holomorphic Functions and an Embedding Theorem for Arithmetic Varieties of Rank ≥ 2
Mok, N.
Prolongations of Infinitesimal Linear Automorphisms of Projective Varieties and Rigidity of Rational Homogeneous Spaces of Picard Number 1 under Kähler Deformation
Mok, N. (with Hwang, J.-M.)
The Waring-Goldbach Problem under the Hasse-Weil Hypothesis
Ren, X.
The Waring-Goldbach Problem for Unlike Powers
Tsang, K.M. (with Ren, X.)
On Roth’s Theorem Concerning a Cube and Three Cubes of Primes
Tsang, K.M. (with Ren, X.)
On a Waring-Goldbach Type Problem for Fourth Powers
Tsang, K.M. (with Ren, X.)
On Exponential Sum over Primes and Applications in Waring-Goldbach Problem
Ren, X.
On Representation of Integers by Sums of a Cube and Three Cubes of Primes
Tsang, K.M. (with Ren, X.)
Birationality of the Tangent Map for Minimal Rational Curves
Mok, N. (with Hwang, J.-M.)
On the Validity or Failure of Gap Rigidity for Certain Pairs of Bounded Symmetric Domains
Mok, N. (with Eyssidieux, P.)
Minimal Rational Curves on Moduli Spaces of Stable Bundles
Sun, X.
A Study of the Mean Value of the Error Term in the Mean Square Formula of the Riemann Zeta-function in the Critical Strip 3/4 ≤ σ < 1
Lau, Y.-K.
Mean Square Estimate for Twisted Automorphic L-Functions on Weight Aspect
Lau, Y.-K.