Dr. Shilin Yu (CUHK)
Moduli space of vector bundles and Frobenius splitting
Professor Mingshuo Zhou (Hangzhou Dianzi U)
Negative Weight Derivation and Rational Homotopy Theory
Professor Stephen S.-T. Yau (Tsinghua U, Beijing)
On the bicanonical mapping of a complex two ball quotient
Professor Sai-Kee Yeung (Purdue U, USA)
Quantum Calculus and Quasiconformal Maps
Professor Armen Sergeev (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)
Semistable bundles and Frobenius morphism
Professor Mingshuo Zhou (Hangzhou Dianzi U)
Stability conditions and quadratic differentials
Professor Yu Qiu (CUHK)
Equivariant formality of homogeneous spaces
Dr. Chi-Kwong Fok (National Center for Theoretical Sciences, National Taiwan U)
The past, present and future of several complex variables II
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U. & Distinguished Visiting Professor, HKU)
A non-vanishing theorem for big divisors on surfaces and its applications
Dr. Fei Ye (City U of New York, QCC, New York)
An effective Hermitian Positivstellensatz
Professor Wing-Keung To (National U of Singapore)
Bonnet surfaces and Painlevé equations
Professor Robert Conte (École normale supérieure de Cachan, France & HKU)
Bounding torsion in families of abelian varieties
Dr. Benjamin Bakker (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
Closed orbits of real forms on rational homogeneous spaces and geometric structures defined by minimal rational curves
Dr. Sui-Chung Ng (East China Normal U, Shanghai)
Cohomology representations of external and symmetric products of varieties
Professor Laurentiu Maxim (U of Wisconsin, Madison)
Contraction algebra and invariants associated to three dimensional flopping contraction
Dr. Zheng Hua (HKU)
Elliptic singularities on log symplectic manifolds
Dr. Brent Pym (U of Oxford)
Entire holomorphic curves on a Fermat surface of low degree
Professor Sai-Kee Yeung (Purdue U, USA)
Explicit constructions of Strebel differentials via Belyi maps and Dessins
Mr. Ji-jian Song (U of Science and Technology of China)
Geometric Probability and Phase Transitions in Conic Optimization
Dr. Martin Lotz (U of Manchester)
Geometric Quantization of Kähler manifolds and the role of polarizations
Professor José Mourão (Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), U of Lisbon, Portugal)
2016 Conference on Applied Mathematics (CAM 2016) on August 23-26, 2016
Multiplier Ideal Sheaves for General Systems of Partial Differential Equations
Professor Yum-Tong Siu (William Elwood Byerly Professor, Harvard U. & Distinguished Visiting Professor, HKU)
Isospectrality in number theory, geometry and combinatorics
Professor Wen-Ching Winnie Li (The Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Billiard on the triaxial ellipsoid
Professor Gisbert Wüstholz (ETHZ & UZh, Zürich)