Mok, N.
Optimal selling time in stock market over a finite time horizon
Yung, S.P. (with Yam, S. C. P. and Zhou, W.)
Degree Estimate for Subalgebras
Yu, Jie-Tai (with Li, Y.-C. )
On the Lifting of the Nagata Automorphism
Yu, Jie-Tai (with Belov-Kanel, A.)
Geometric phases in the quantisation of bosons and fermions
Wu, S.
Nonexistence of Arithmetic Fake Compact Hermitian Symmetric Spaces of Types Bn, Cn, E6 and E7
Yeung, S.-K. (with Prasad, Gopal)
A Smoothing Newton’s Method for the Construction of a Damped Vibrating System From Noisy Test Eigendata, Numerical Linear Algebra with Application (2008)
Ching, W.K. (with Bai, Z.)
Algorithms and Complexity Analyses for Control of Singleton Attractors in Boolean Networks, EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (2008)
Ching, W.K. (with Hayashida, M., Tamura, T. & Akutsu, T.)
Iterative Algorithms Based on Decoupling of Deblurring and Denoising for Image Restoration, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 30, No.5 (2008), 2655-2674
Ching, W.K. (with Wen, Y. and Ng, M.)
Analyses and Algorithms for Predecessor and Control Problems for Boolean Networks of Bounded Indegree, IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics (2008)
Ching, W.K. (with Akutsu, T., Hayashida, M., Zhang, S. and Ng, M.)
A Stochastic Optimization Model for Consecutive Promotion, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management (2008)
Ching, W.K. (with Leung, H.Y. and Leung, I.K.C.)
A Tandem Queueing System with Applications to Pricing Strategy, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (2008)
Ching, W.K. (with Choi, S.M., Li, T. and Leung, I.K.C.)
Classification of fake projective planes
Yeung, S.-K.
Remarks on lines and minimal rational curves
Mok, N. (with Sun, X.)
On the asymptotic behavior of holomorphic isometries of the Poincaré disk into bounded symmetric domains
Mok, N.
Mok, N.
Projective-algebraicity of minimal compactifications of complex-hyperbolic space forms of finite volume
Mok, N.
An omega result for supremum norms of Hecke-eigenforms in the level aspect
Lau, Y.-K.
On intersections of conjugacy classes and Bruhat cells
Lu, J.-H. (with Chan, K.Y. and To, S.K.M.)
Analytic continuation of holomorphic maps respecting varieties of minimal rational tangents and applications to rational homogeneous manifolds
Mok, N. (with Hong, J.)
Graceful Tree Conjecture for Infinite Trees, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 16 (2009), 15pages
Ng, T.W. (with Chan, T.L. and Cheung, W.S.)
Extension of germs of holomorphic isometries up to normalizing constants with respect to the Bergman metric
Mok, N.
On holomorphic isometric embeddings of the unit disk into polydisks
Ng, S.-C.
Relationship between the zeros of two polynomials
Ng, T.W. (with Cheung, W.S.)
On holomorphic isometric embeddings of the unit n-ball into products of two unit m-balls
Ng, S.-C.
On the Zariski closure of a germ of totally geodesic complex submanifold on a subvariety of a complex hyperbolic space form of finite volume
Mok, N.
Germs of measure-preserving holomorphic maps from bounded symmetric domains to their Cartesian products
Mok, N. and Ng, S.-C.
A Parasite Vector-host Epidemic Model for TSE Propagation, Medical Science Monitor, 13(3) (2007) BR59-66
Ching, W.K. (with Ng, T.W., Turinici, G., Chung, S.K. and Danchin, A.)
On an Infectious Model for Default Crisis
Ching, W.K. (with Siu, T.K., Li, L., Li, T. and Li, W.K.)
A Parsimonious Multivariate Markov Chain Model for Credit Risk
Ching, W.K. (with Siu, T.K., Li, L., Li, T. and Li, W.K.)