Yeung, S.-K.
Preprints 2004-2010
Remarks on lines and minimal rational curves
Mok, N. (with Sun, X.)
On the asymptotic behavior of holomorphic isometries of the Poincaré disk into bounded symmetric domains
Mok, N.
Mok, N.
Projective-algebraicity of minimal compactifications of complex-hyperbolic space forms of finite volume
Mok, N.
An omega result for supremum norms of Hecke-eigenforms in the level aspect
Lau, Y.-K.
On intersections of conjugacy classes and Bruhat cells
Lu, J.-H. (with Chan, K.Y. and To, S.K.M.)
Analytic continuation of holomorphic maps respecting varieties of minimal rational tangents and applications to rational homogeneous manifolds
Mok, N. (with Hong, J.)
Graceful Tree Conjecture for Infinite Trees, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 16 (2009), 15pages
Ng, T.W. (with Chan, T.L. and Cheung, W.S.)
Extension of germs of holomorphic isometries up to normalizing constants with respect to the Bergman metric
Mok, N.
On holomorphic isometric embeddings of the unit disk into polydisks
Ng, S.-C.
Relationship between the zeros of two polynomials
Ng, T.W. (with Cheung, W.S.)
On holomorphic isometric embeddings of the unit n-ball into products of two unit m-balls
Ng, S.-C.
On the Zariski closure of a germ of totally geodesic complex submanifold on a subvariety of a complex hyperbolic space form of finite volume
Mok, N.
Germs of measure-preserving holomorphic maps from bounded symmetric domains to their Cartesian products
Mok, N. and Ng, S.-C.
A Parasite Vector-host Epidemic Model for TSE Propagation, Medical Science Monitor, 13(3) (2007) BR59-66
Ching, W.K. (with Ng, T.W., Turinici, G., Chung, S.K. and Danchin, A.)
On an Infectious Model for Default Crisis
Ching, W.K. (with Siu, T.K., Li, L., Li, T. and Li, W.K.)
A Parsimonious Multivariate Markov Chain Model for Credit Risk
Ching, W.K. (with Siu, T.K., Li, L., Li, T. and Li, W.K.)
Optimal Finite-Horizon Control for Probabilistic Boolean Networks with Hard Constraints, The International Symposium on Optimization and Systems Biology (OSB 2007), Lecture Notes in Operations Research 7, 2007
Ching, W.K. (with Zhang, S.Q., Yue, J., Akutsu, T. and Wong, Alice S.)
Nonexistence of proper holomorphic maps between certain classical bounded symmetric domains
Mok, N.
A Min-Max Theorem on Tournaments
Zang, W. (with Chen, X. and Hu, X.)
Characterization of standard embeddings between complex Grassmannians by means of varieties of minimal rational tangents
Mok, N.
An Isomorphism Theorem for Holomorphic Mappings from Arithmetic Varieties of Rank ≥ 2 into Quotients of Bounded Domains of Finite Intrinsic Measure
Mok, N.
Peak Detection with Chemical Noise Removal Using Short-Time FFT for a Kind of MALDI Data, The International Symposium on Optimization and Systems Biology (OSB 2007), Lecture Notes in Operations Research 7, 2007
Ching, W.K. (with Zhang, S.Q., Zhou, X., Wang, H., Suffredini, A. and Gonzales, D.)
Graceful Tree Conjecture for Infinite Trees
Ng, T.W. (with Chan, T.L. and Cheung, W.S.)
Meromorphic solutions of higher order Briot-Bouquet differential equations
Ng, T.W. (with Eremenko, A. & Liao, L.W.)
A Note on Poisson Homogeneous Spaces
Lu, J.-H.
A Characterization of Box-Mengerian Matroid Ports
Zang, W. (with Chen, X. and Ding, G.)
Packing Circuits in Matroids
Zang, W. (with Ding, G.)
Direct Images of Bundles under Frobenius Morphism
Sun, X.